Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Need for Change in India Governance

Professionals Party of India


Crime, corruption, indiscipline, incompetence, nexus, unaccountability and apathy - all these are rooted in India’s rotten political machinery. Each of these ills have gone so far wrong in our country, they cannot be corrected by being attended to individually.

Over the last 60 years, our national governance has progressively degenerated and today the 300 odd million middle class Indians have to suffer the humiliation of rampant corruption, goondaism and a complete failure of all forms of government.

Many like YOU & I have now said "enough is enough". Many like YOU and I have now decided to get involved to bring about the change, so overdue.

The entire political machinery needs change. This means that new political parties of people like YOU and I is needed, which will reflect your idea of honesty and accountability in governance so that our country is not robbed blind by unscrupulous politicians anymore.

Your party is aptly called the Professionals Party of India. You are invited to visit the website www.ppi.net.in and peruse the Party Manifesto and give your suggestions and feedback. You are welcome to register your name, address, telephone number and profession.

You are earnestly requested to join the Party - indeed you and your professional colleagues and friends, adult family members are cordially invited to join. Then you will not feel helpless & frustrated but actively bringing about the change! We can be part of the solutions now!

We, the People of India, deserve better governance. We are capable of better governance. Our beautiful country needs a complete overhaul in our politics.

Only YOU and I can make this change happen. Please participate. Be fearless and let us try to bring about a change for better India in a democratic, constitutional, non-violent, legitimate movement of solidarity.

Although the movement has been initiated from Pune, the PPI is an ALL INDIA movement, inclusive to all who want a change for the better.

Our sole objective? To improve the quality of life of the last standing Indian.

Let’s go, get it!! Join the movement. Get Involved! If not you & i, then who? If not now, then when?

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