Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Back from Dzogchen (2nd Retreat)

Just to quickly post of my return from Dzogchen (Great Perfection /Great Completion) Retreat at Namdroling Monastery, Karnataka, S.India. The first time this retreat was undertaken by me was in 2014.

Dzogchen is considered as the pinnacle of all teachings in the profound Vajrayana path of Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It is regarded as the heart essence of the practice of Tantra vehicle and is the ultimate intention of all Buddhas. It is essentially to do with awakening the cognizant nature of the mind through specific and secretly held instructions and practices. It consists of two parts: Trekcho and Togal, which explain precisely 'nature of mind' or one's buddha nature and 'nature of reality' or spontaneous presence respectively. 

Having completed this retreat for the second time, a request has been made to the Masters of the tradition for permission/authorization to don robes of a 'Ngagpa' (lay ordained practitioner). Hopefully i will receive this permission in 2016. 

Happy practice! :)

Remember: Without practice even study becomes an obscuration! Study and Practice are mutually inseparable, like two wings of a bird.


Sambaran said...

Looking forward to a profile picture of yours in the mentioned-robes.

urban lama said...

Best wishes,